
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Educational Adorables

As a teacher, I am bombarded with delightful cuteness on a daily basis.  It's even more enjoyable when the kids I work with find adorable ways to express their learning.  This got me thinking about cute teacher tools.  Visuals and graphics, games and goodies are all a very important part of every teacher's inventory.  How fun to include some cuteness!

Clip Art
Clip art is a time-saving important tool for creating materials that supplement the curriculum.  In my searches, I found some very precious clip art, much of it made by real teachers.  Just click below to learn how to get your hands on these sweet little pictures.

Alphabet Posters Kawaii Style     Dolch Word Wall Kawaii Style    Calendar Kawaii Fun

Calendar - Kawaii Planets    Japanese Kawaii Photo Booth Prop, 45 items Kawaii Printabl  51 PNG Files- Kawaii Weather Clipart - Digital Clip Art  086

Games and Learning Tools
Posters, flashcards, cut-outs, and learning activities can all melt the heart when blanketed in cute!

Math Kokeshi Japanese Dolls school Clip Art asian Kimono K       Silent Ninja Es Clip Art Pack for Commercial Use     DNA Characters Clip Art Pack for Commercial Use

Monster Math Centers Pack  Grammar SCOOT Game 

Prizes and Manipulatives
What student wouldn't enjoy receiving a Kawaii reward for their hard work? But many of the prizes available are far from Kawaii.  With a Kawaii Box subscription, you'll not only have incredibly cute prizes to present to your students, but you can use the contents for such tasks as writing prompts, math lessons, and more!  Get creative with educational cuteness!

No matter your profession or lifestyle, there's always room for a little cuteness!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Gift Arrival: CherryDot Friendship Heart Package

The mail box has become a delightful place recently. This fact was reinforced today when I received the friendship heart keychain that I ordered as a Christmas gift for one of my friends.

I was VERY impressed with the package. It came wrapped in sparkly tissue paper with an adorable little cupcake sticker instead of a hunk of tape. Lovely. But the inside was even better. A little gift box with a silver bow contained both halves of the charm, each in a separate bag with pink, striped packaging. 

As if that wasn't enough, Michi, the shoppe's owner, gave added a free gift of two PBJ buttons! I know that lots of Etsy sellers do this, but it was a very sweet little surprise.

Overall, on my own personal kawaii scale, I'd rate this CherryDot experience a full 10 kawaii beans! Quick, professional service is always awesome.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Poor Baby!

My precious little puppy was spayed yesterday. I know that this will be beneficial for her health in time to come; but right now it's too sad to care!!! My baby wants to run outside and frolic, but she's stuck inside, recovering.

This picture belongs here because it evokes feelings of warmth and delight within me...because I love my baby girl!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rilakkuma Movie - WARNING: Absolute Cuteness!!!!

I adore Rilakkuma. So, I was almost in tears of joy while watching this practically perfect video.  In it, he does precious little things, like eating and sleeping and listening to his iPod.  The effects are worse than a sugar rush. I mean, I can hardly stand up after watching it due to the inhumanly high concentration of sweetness.  It's enough to put me into a diabetic coma.

 Disclaimer: Your viewing of this video implies that you accept full responsibility for your behavior while under the affects of this freaking adorableness.  You agree to indemnify and hold harmless retiNNa and all of the cute things she likes. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

EDIBLE: Tiny Gingerbread Men and House!!!

The holidays are filled with incredible acts of cuteness.  While looking up bluegrass Christmas instrumentals, specifically any by Dan Tyminski, I happened to come across a cooking show devoted entirely to cute little dishes.  When I say little, I mean VERY tiny.  The host even uses a children's electric oven, so everything made is less than 2 inches.  So how better to capture holiday treats than with teeny gingerbread men and their tiny, little gingerbread house?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Kawaii - The Ultimate Source for Text Emoji

Look no further!  Your quest for a catalog of excellent text emoticons is here! is an excellent site for anyone interested in adding a touch of sweetness to their texts and emails.

I think my favorite so far is ( ̄(エ) ̄).  How easy is that?

Here are some others I think are super cute.


What are some of your favorites?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sugary BFF Keychain - Cool Item from Cherrydot!

When I have to spend money, I like supporting small businesses.  I love supporting artisans around the world.  So, I enjoy scouring Etsy for unique, handmade items.  One of my favorite Etsy shops is called Cherry Dot Sweet Treats, by an artists known as Michi.  Michi's got incredible skills in scultping miniature items.  Her shop is filled with miniature food items that presented creatively as necklaces, key chains, and other

Like every other item in Michi's shop, this little cookie caught my attention and warmed my heart.  It's similar to a best-friend or sweetheart necklace; but rather than just being a plain heart, it's a heart-shaped sugar cookie covered in frosting and rainbow sprinkles.  I've already ordered one as a Christmas gift to share with one of my best friends.  A key chain like this is an excellent conversation piece; but I think it's also a really cool way to add a little sweetness to the routine of everyday by reminding my friend of how important she is to me.

If only she'd thought of it first. ^_^